Wednesday, March 18, 2020

#59 Beyond Gender, Divisions, Conflicts

Each of us has it within our grasp to “frame” each situation in the way that “suits” us in that moment. Like moving cameras/projectors, we move about our ‘world’ taking pictures, refocusing those pictures, replaying those pictures, and then storing them in another kind of “frame” as to where they belong in our personal archive of memories. 

In a kind of paradoxical way, while we are ‘sorting and filing and storing,’ we are also projecting these pictures onto our own screen as well as onto the screen in the room where we sit. And while it is in constant flux or flow, our archive is one of the bases of what we consider to be our identity. Our pictures of “who” we are, and “how we have become and are becoming that person, shedding each and every single cell every single year, and replacing them with new cells, our minds are continuing to ‘discover’ images along with the thoughts, feelings and the gestalt of that “moment” currently on our screen.

We are introduced to “laws of physics,” and “laws of human development,” and “laws of gravity,” as well as “laws of biology, geology, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, and then the finer “laws” of each of the academic disciplines. Simultaneously we are learning about the ‘laws’ that govern our behaviour, land law, commercial law, criminal law, contracts law, and the many processes through which any of our needs, complaints, conflicts and aspirations must pass in order to move toward recognition, respect and perhaps even reward.

We “learn” both through cognitive memory and through the experiences that cross our paths, including the faces and voices of others both formally assigned to our mentorship and those who accidentally and “fatefully” appear in our space.
In each situation, we listen to and watch the words, attitudes, beliefs, and actions of those who have preceded us, in our family, our school, our town, and our nations. In turn, we reflect on what flows into our conscious minds, and what flows into and through our unconscious, although the latter is much less visceral and risks being missed. We also interact with the ‘things’ that comprise our little world, like our phones, our laptops, our televisions, our vehicles, the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the messages that affirm or disclaim our particular choices.

And when we each face a serious threat/challenge/opponent/illness and potentially death, we somehow revert, according to one of the ‘laws’ of psychology, to our default position, the one that seems to have been our preferred “framing” of the situation in the past. Often described as “fight or flight,” this default position, however, is much less easily and neatly boxed as one gets older. For the child, however, it is eminently reasonable that such a choice is paramount, depending on the degree of the threat, and the depth to which it penetrates his or her “heart”. And for much of the public discourse, similar binary choices apply to the public messages delivered by leaders charged with managing the crisis. To close all schools, or not, to send all workers home or not, to ban all public gatherings or not, to test all citizens or not, to put the country on a war footing or not….these are all public discussions, debates and eventually decisions that political, health, security and academic thinkers and leaders will have to face.

Classifying any “event” (itself something of a misnomer, given the extensive and expansive dimensions of an evolving event into a dynamic that could/would/will continue to reverberate over a protracted period of time) as, for example an economic crisis, or a health crisis fails to grasp the interconnection and inter-dependence of both aspects of the current pandemic. And those who fail to perceive, believe and accept it first as a “health” crisis, with economic, national security, environmental, and perhaps even existential aspects, are risking the potential options and processes needed to confront the crisis.

An invisible, barely discernible microbe which infects an individual prior to that individual’s exhibiting symptoms of the infection tends to defy many of the threats for which we have prepared. Measuring devices of its invasion, while needed, along with ways to discern how and whom it most seriously impacts, form a reasonable basis from which to plan our most comprehensive and effective response. And while we search and research all of the many ‘faces’ of the pandemic, from the multiple perspectives of its appearance in terms of geography, demography, alacrity, political sensibilities, and even ideology, it is dropping its imprint among all of us, especially in large groups.
Self-interest, as compared with the plague of political narcissism, is part of the personal emergency aid kit of each of us, and that too does not contain or fulfil our human response. Knowing that each of us can be both a recipient and a carrier/spreader of this microbe, all men and women are burdened and gifted with the responsibility and the opportunity to be both victim and healer/rescuer/warrior.

Looking through the lens of “a war effort” against this microscopic enemy that knows no national, gender, age, economic, intellectual, religious or ethnic boundaries, we are quite literally compelled, by nature if not by reason and our health care professionals, to drop our pretenses of both superiority and inferiority, of our mentally, and geographically “gated” communities, of our “inside versus outside” perspectives, given that we have all been struck somewhat blind, deaf and dumb by this ‘creature’ of the night. While the epidemiologists have considerably more knowledge and experience with pandemics than the rest of us, and the “modellers” have been doing what they do while we have not, those charged with fundamental decisions in every “polis” are, like the rest of us, dependent on both the experts and their own character, including their capacity for compassion, insight, clarity of both thought and courage.

And while we have no choice but to drop our conscious and unconscious pretenses to power and prestige, rendering us somewhat frightened and vulnerable, we are being asked, seemingly by the gods of the universe, to listen to the rest of the world, all of the nations and towns and cities, in order to develop a “common front” against this scourge.

And that basic requirement is a fundamental threat to everything that we have been raised to accept:

·        that our nation is special,
·        that our culture is what holds us together,
·        that our gender is our most defining feature,
·        that science and empirical knowledge is our saviour,
·        that the unconscious and the imaginative and the spiritual are either luxuries we cannot afford or dangerous influence we cannot tolerate,
·        that our status on the social, political, economic and spiritual totem poles of our communities is what we must defend and preserve
·        that our “systems” to develop every human in our lands are our best instruments to prevent devastation of our most vulnerable
·        that our neglect of our poor, our racially different and our refugees is merely benign neglect not worthy of leading our public debate and public decision-making
·        that cities are more important than towns, and towns more important than rural municipalities, and that industrious and fiscally sound communities deserve more public attention than those lagging behind
·        that the battles for gender equality are paramount to our survival as a species
·        that the use of military might is the best answer to our personal and national security
·        that our concentration on hard power will “protect” us from all enemies
·        that our “divides” engender the most efficacious pursuit of excellence among all individuals
·        that short-term reactive, narcissistic and self-serving leaders illustrate the most ethical and appropriate role models
·        that young people, like Greta Thunberg, are merely whistling in the wind
·        that we really do “know” what we are doing with the finite, fragile and even sacred blessings of our planet’s essential nature

And under such serious and perhaps even existential threats, there will be the inevitable, totally predictable and lethal demand to “hunker down” in our metaphoric, and perhaps even literal “bunkers”, whether those be our individual homes, our towns, our nations or our offices. Observers are already predicting the erosion of the European Union, given the various countries’ closing borders to human and produce and trade, and refusing to adopt the more challenging and also more potentially rewarding posture of collaboration, co-operation, open discussion and deliberately “getting to “yes” rather than “no” as the negotiating manuals even for dummies advise.
There is, lurking in civilization’s history  as well as in our multiple mythologies, what the Greeks called “Thanatos”…the god who brought peaceful deaths to the underworld, as opposed to Hades, the god of the underworld. Thanatos was the god or personified spirit of non-violent death, with a gentle touch, likened to his brother Hypnos (sleep), as compared with Thanatos’ blood-craving sisters, the Keres, spirits of slaughter and disease. (Wikipedia)

While it is not timely to talk about “gentle death” when we are facing the prospect of perhaps thousands of untimely passing’s, it is perhaps relevant to bring to the consciousness of our death-denying and perhaps even in some instances death-defying culture, the notion that we are all facing our own mortality. And that universal, shared destiny is another very significant, and potentially life-giving reality from which none of us can escape. And if the current pandemic erodes our denial of death, and opens us to the potential that accompanies every person who comes face to face with that prospect, and brings us all to a more realistic, and more supportive and more understanding and tolerant perspective of each other, (and our need for each other and our literal dependence on each other) as well as our attitude and willingness to compromise, to collaborate and to dedicate ourselves to the shared prospect of the survival and ennobling of all of our grandchildren and great grandchildren, that could only be a long-term “platinum (not merely gold or silver) lining to this pandemic.

We are much more than divided by our gender, our ethnicity, our social status, our academic degrees, the size of our portfolios, our nationality, our wisdom and prophetic vision, our geographic distance and isolation, and our employment or unemployment status, just like our homelessness or not….we are all being found and declared equal, from the perspective of the microbe, as opportunity/enemy to infest, and from our perspective, as an ally. None of us have to attend at a recruiting office to enlist; the microbe has already done that for us. None of us have to take boot camp training, in order to serve; the microbe and our consciousness, as well as our unconscious, have already given us all the tools we need. None of us can use the excuse that we have nothing to give; our persons, our consciousness of each other, our neighbours, our families, our primary care workers, and our leaders…we are already ALL that we need to be to serve our shared future and destiny…we all need each other now more than at any time in the last century, perhaps.

And if this reads like a trumpet blasting the silent and hollow melodies of utopias beyond comprehension and also beyond reality, it might be time to reflect on the nature of the lens through which we are trying to “see”. Hope is, like this enemy, an invisible yet highly energized force of antibodies already “bottled”, and delivered in each and every email of compassion, and every call on a neighbour or shut-in, and in each u-tube thanking our public health workers, as well as in each and every phone call between leaders who otherwise fight for supremacy in trade talks, or in cyber-security strategies.

We live in the laboratories, our minds, hearts and bodies, that consistently and persistently produce resounding choruses of hope, brilliant bouquets of the flaming red roses of hope, and the crystal, spring-waters of hope that flow from the pens and the lips of all people who love and care for our species. And without all of the expressions of hope we can imagine and deliver, the tests and the vaccines, and the pharmaceuticals for harnessing this virus will be in vain.

Monday, March 16, 2020

#58 Men, agents of and pathway to cultural metanoia (Reflections on loneliness and alienation)

Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone; solitude expresses the glory of being alone. (Paul Tillich)

Like others, feeling lonely, especially in youth, seems unbearable, given the apparent excitement that accompanies the phone call asking if you want to “hang out” or the knock on the door wondering if you can ‘come out to play’ or, today,  the text asking, ‘how’re u doing?’ The natural and necessary process of learning to relate, to explore relationships is the sine qua non of adolescence. All of that stuff of doing those assignments, signing up for the various teams and clubs, the training for the various competitions, and even signing up for a curricular schedule…all of it touches upon and brings flesh, breath and interactive engagements into full bloom. We note the nuanced expressions on the faces of our siblings, our parents, teachers, coaches and officials whenever we are engaged with any of them. We do not necessarily ‘discuss’ our reactions to each of those raised eye brows, wrinkled noses, barked insults, or even those occasional cheers for something we said or did. Nevertheless, we store each and every one of them in the software of our memory, building a bank of memories that shape us, guide us, and even teach us about how and when and by whom we were bruised, teased, ridiculed, embarrassed and especially rejected.

Each of us has a permanent “film” that is readily recalled if and when another ‘strike’ is swung that seems to be “against” us, however we perceive opposition. It could simply be a parent saying “No” to a simple request. It could be a warning shot of intimidation from a jealous classmate. It could be a look of disdain and anger or contempt at a shared joke that fell flat on its face. It could be merely a  tease about our name, our body shape, our activity/identity profile (nerds for techies; artsy-fartsy for artists, musicians, actors, dancers; egg-heads for scholarship; and something racial for ethic differences, the epithets abound here!)

Bullying, separation, segregation, isolation, whether in person or more recently digitally, expresses how others seek the illusion of power, when authentic expressions of support and appreciation seem unduly “adult” and “stiff” and totally outside the boundaries of “the insiders”. Adolescent, especially masculine, bonding depends on dissing and being ready to diss back, as a way of using irony and satire to show “respect”. Not being “inside the circle” where such dissing/bonding is the norm, is a sure sign of exclusion, felt by every single adolescent in every culture, who is different. And different is defined uniquely by the range and the depth of “the imagination of each neighbourhood culture.

Theoretically, the argument goes that each of these “barbs” toughens the skin of the recipient, thereby justifying its deep embeddedness in our social and cultural attitudes and behaviours. Other times, dissing goes too far, alienating its object, and reinforcing the separation of “the other” (as each group defines him or her) from the group. Occasionally, (thankfully) bullying, dissing, and character assassination sends the target over the edge, and then all hell erupts, as it should.

The goal of developing “healthy” independent, self-respecting young adults, on its surface, merits consideration, so long as along with this goal is an accompanying and requisite grace, slack, openness, and tolerance of differences that do not harm injure or impede the growth of the outsider. In adolescence, however, that “grace” is often undeveloped, missing, or even disdained itself as being too “feminine” or “weak” or “sickly” or even “immature.”

Reading Max Domi’s biography, recently, reminded me of the lengths to which an adolescent, plagued by both type 1 diabetes and also celiac disease, will go to “fit in” to the culture of minor hockey, junior hockey, and finally the NHL. Hiding juice from his team-mates, until they learned the full story, for example, is only a minor example of his secrecy in managing both his condition and his social/team standing. It is not that those who do not face similar conditions would not, or could not understand. And remarkable feature of his story is that many friends, team-mates, coaches, trainers, and later executives and managers, along with parents and surrogate parents, proved to be the supportive network that enabled his early, intermediate and professional success. Even his dog Orion can detect the changes in his body’s insulin levels, and trigger Max’s need for self-treatment. No weakling, no outsider and no more-valued team-mate is this current Montreal Canadien. Yet, it was never smooth, easy nor predictable for the young son of former Toronto Maple Leaf, Tie Domi.

Nevertheless, organizations like professional athletic teams, corporations, schools, and government departments and social service agencies, hospitals, colleges, seek individuals who have developed a capacity known as “team-players” with the capacity to initiate, to demonstrate self-discipline, and to work “inside” the culture of the organization. Fitting in has become so significant to the “brand” of an organization that recently an athletic coach who tweeted comments about the manner in which another university had dealt with their athletic coach’s case was fired for expressing those comments.

Compliance with the protocols, including the public expressions of opinions, comes with a price, both for each individual holding and expressing opinions deemed inadmissible by the organization, and ultimately for the strength and credibility of the organization. Belonging to and serving at the pleasure of the organization has taken on a whole new meaning in the last few decades. The individual opinions of an individual apparently belong on the editorial pages of the local newspaper, a platform reserved in many communities for those considered especially “grumpy” and “fossilized” or “activist” and “ideologues” or “politically ambitious”. In many communities, the local paper has merely faded into oblivion,  been sold to a mega-corporation, or morphed into a facebook page of venom by a sore loser politician.

Individualism, as a benchmark of a culture, has shifted both to the right and to the left, in a pattern similar to our political culture: on the right, it is highly conformist to an authoritarian, traditionalist, conservative viewpoint, often also highly populist, or it is deeply committed to a radical, left-leaning, transformational and sometimes even apocalyptic perspective.

A few editorial writers try to observe and preserve a balance in their viewpoint pieces, for example, endorsing professional and healthy government interventions to restrict the spread of COVID-19, while also endorsing significant government spending to support the potential and real victims of the disease.

It is the disease itself that elevates the dichotomy of both our “extreme inter-dependence” as well as our extreme isolation, and potential loneliness, alienation and anxiety.

Each of us, in our unique moments of loss, failure, rejection, firing, divorce, alienation and despair know intimately of the pain of such moments, the lingering fears of those moments of despair returning, or being evoked by additional similar moments. Each of us also knows of the names and the faces and the voices of those on whose shoulders we have walked in order to be still putting one foot in front of the other. We are each conscious of the gifts and the risks of both extremes. And we also know that, in that consciousness, we seek to live, to create, to help, to support and to take care of ourselves.

Bruce Springsteen, in a book published in 2013, Springsteen on Springsteen, “speaks of a troubled adolescence, describing himself as a ‘dreamer,’ ‘one of the town freaks’, and a ‘misfit who was pretty ostracized by my hometown’. He says he was a ‘sensitive kid’ who had the ‘devastating experience of not being accepted by my father’. He said of his father, ‘he was a pretty good pool player and not much else’.” (From The Telegraph, August 24, 2015) Having listened to critics who trashed his music, and others who thought he was the ‘second coming of Christ’, (CBC, “q” yesterday), Springsteen carries on doing what he does, as a role model for each of us, especially when our shared future’s horizon is so clouded.

There is a significant “rub” when one hears what can only be interpreted as rejection, especially while attempting to support the transformation of a culture of self-sabotage, and the strength, commitment and energy to continue to “spit against the wind” as the title of the novel about Tomas Paine has it.

And the wind of the prevailing establishment culture will always prevail against the isolated voices of those committed to ‘spitting’ against that force. And the voices of those committed to ‘spitting’ need the support of others who, themselves, are also committed to ‘spitting’ against the prevailing and dangerous, self-sabotaging cultural winds.

Some of those unique, isolated, and even alienated voices write novels like The Handmaid’s Tale and Testaments and win literary prizes, thereby becoming not merely highly valued and accepted by a sizeable segment of contemporary culture. Some others, like Malcolm Gladwell, write about how more is gained, socially and personally by trusting others than by “fearing strangers”. In many small groups, however, the prevailing attitude to the newcomer, especially if that newcomer is not visibly different, not from a different ethnicity or race (being deferential to other races in small communities is virtually mandated), is resistant, often fearful and certainly restrained. This is especially so if the newcomer has a few small yet useful notions that might merit consideration, and even puts them out rather energetically.

We all remember Bobby Kenendy’s evoking of Bernard Shaw’s quote in his presidential campaign:

Some men see things as they are and say why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.

It is that concept that both injects new ink into the blotter of the local community, and also threatens to estrange its spokesperson from the opportunity to participate.
Men, especially those deeply embedded in what can only be called the establishment of any community, corporation, church, service club or athletic team or even sport, are deeply loyal to the traditions of that entity. Loyalty to those traditions offers comfort, acceptance, solidarity, and the opportunity to engage with others in common efforts. Men who are not easily and comfortably fitted to the depth and degree of loyalty to how things are done here, and who, like Mesrs. Shaw and Kennedy, ‘dream’ and ask ‘why not’ are frequently passed over, left out and designated as trouble-makers.

It is the motives of such men (and women), especially, that are least known and least investigated. Such investigation, of course, takes time, patience, curiosity and a degree of tolerance for the unknown that is least tolerated and baked into the ‘cakes’ of group culture. Given that young men are so well indoctrinated into a masculinity of ironic ‘dissing’ at a very early age, and that competition is so deeply embedded in a capitalist, corporatist and “insider/outsider” culture that relies on gate-keeping enforcers, it is little wonder that Bernie Sanders will be a footnote to the history of the Democratic Party and a footnote to the presidential campaign history of the United States.
·        His refusal to take our membership in any political party, illustrating a lengthy vision of political disinterested disaffection and lack loyalty to both political parties in the U.S. and....

·        His refusal to adopt the prevailing campaign financing practices, as well as his outright disavowal of the rule of the oligarchy,
·        His open advocacy of health care for all as a human right,
·        His open advocacy of free college tuition for all eligible candidates
·        His open advocacy for serious cuts to Pentagon budgets and the American penchant for war and
·        His outright call for a political revolution on behalf of the 99%

All of these positions point to his ultimate rejection by the mainstream American voter, especially given the obvious cover reason that “defeating trump” is the national scream of a majority of Americans.

Whether there is room in the Biden mind and organization for the millions of young people who support Sanders, and a demonstrable integration of the Sanders positions into a new, evolved Democratic party platform remains to be seen. What is not in question is that the Republican opponent will besmirch all Democrats with name-calling like “communists” and “socialists” and “immigrant-apologists” and “anarchists.”

Can the American people come together in a conclusive and final ostracizing of the ultimate “alien” who currently occupies the Oval Office? If so, we could witness one time when a common perception by the middle could, as the exception, prove the rule that the outsider is indeed valuable and needed.

As one septuagenarian, I thoroughly appreciate the glory of solitude, and the conviction in my own ‘dream’ of asking ‘why not’ in the face of fossilized and unquestioned and dysfunctional traditions.

Friday, March 13, 2020

#57 Men, agents of and pathway to cultural metanoia (reflections on power)

Questioning the filing system that relegates gender issues to the sidelines of the political agenda!!!

A few years ago, when discussing  the contemporary state of masculinity, a prominent Canadian lawyer and political figure demurred when I innocently and spontaneously wondered if the “political science” department at the local university might be interested in this subject. An immediate, direct and highly scornful “Not at all likely!” was his response.

Presumably, political theory, political polling, political science and political parties, political leadership, and political ideology either exclude the notion of masculinity and gender as an active agent in the political process. defines political science in these words:
Political science is that branch of the social sciences that studies the state, politics, and government. Political Science deals extensively with the analysis of political systems, the theoretical and practical applications to politics, and the examination of political behaviour.

At the end of Nicomachean Ethics, (from Wikipedia) Aristotle wrote:
That the inquiry into ethics necessarily follows into politics, and the two works are frequently considered to be parts of a larger treatise, or perhaps connected lectures, dealing with the ‘philosophy of human affairs.’ The title of the ‘Politics’ literally means the ‘things concerning the polis. (literally means ‘city’ in Greek) . Polis defined the administrative and religious city centre, as distinct from the rest of the city. It can also mean a body of citizens.

Several ideologies are associated with politics: anarchism, colonialism, communism, despotism, distributism, feudalism, socialism, totalitarianism.
On a more cynical level, our vernacular uses the phrase “play politics” to refer to an act for political or personal gain rather than from principle.

George Orwell in his essay on Politics and the English language writes:

In our time it is broadly true that political writing is bad writing. Where it is not true, it will generally be found that the writer is some kind of rebel, expressing his private opinions and not a ‘party line’. Orthodoxy, of whatever colour seems to demand a lifeless imitative style. The political dialects to be found in pamphlets, leading articles, manifestos, White papers and the speeches of undersecretaries do, of course, vary from party to party, but they are all alike in that one almost never finds in them a fresh, vivid, homemade turn of speech. When one watches some tired hack on the platform mechanically repeating the familiar phrases---bestial, atrocities, iron heel, bloodstained tyranny, free people of the world, stand shoulder to shoulder—one often has the curious feeling that one is not watching a live human being but some kind of dummy: a feeling which suddenly becomes stronger at moments when the light catches the speaker’s spectacles and turns them into blank discs which seem to have no eyes behind them. And this is not altogether fanciful. A speaker who uses that kind of phraseology has gone some distance toward turning himself into a machine. The appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved, as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself. If the speech he is making is one that he is accustomed to make over and over again, he may be almost unconscious of what he is saying, as one is when one utters the responses in church. And this reduced state of consciousness, if not indispensable, is at any rate favourable to political conformity.

There is a very small “slide” from political conformity, to “political correctness.” And in an article entitled, “Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy, in The Guardian, November 30, 2016, Moira Weigel writes:

Three weeks ago, around a quarter of the American population elected a demagogue with no prior experience in public service to the presidency. In the eyes of many of his supporters, this lack of preparation was not a liability, but a strength….Every demagogue needs an enemy. Trump’s was the ruling elite, and his charge was that they were not only failing to solve the greatest problems facing Americans, they were trying to stop anyone from even talking about those problems. explores the relationship between politics and power. Their website includes these words:

“Some define politics quite simply as the exercise of power. This definition most clearly demonstrates two issues…..the problem of definitions or, in other words the issue of the contestability of concepts; and the limitations of the narrow-broad spectrum.”

Wherever one or more individuals influence one or more other individuals, regardless of the setting, we can observe and comment on the politics of the situation. Writers, for example, deploy all of the many and varied instruments of power to convey a point of view, a “statement” by which they wish to nudge, shove, ‘manipulate’ or ‘seduce’ their reader to a precise or more general point of view. It was Orwell who reminds us that “all literature is political.” In a lecture delivered in Barcelona at the Centre de Cultura Clontemporania de Barcelona on June 6, 2018, in honour of Orwell Day, and abridged in The NewYorker, Masha Gessen writes:

Orwell argues that totalitarianism makes literature impossible…..He imagined two  major traits of totalitarian societies: one is lying, and the other is what he called schizophrenia. He wrote, ‘The Organized lying practiced by totalitarian states is not, as it is sometimes claimed, a temporary expedient of the same nature as military deception. It is something integral to totalitarianism, something that would still continue even if concentration camps and secret police forces had ceased to be necessary.’ The lying entailed constantly rewriting the past to accommodate the present. ‘This kind of things happens everywhere,’ he wrote, ‘but is clearly likelier to lead to outright falsification in societie4s where only one opinion is permissible at any given moment. Totalitarianism demands, in fact, the continuous alteration of the past, and in the long run probably demands a disbelief in the very existence of objective truth.’….
Orwell was right, (Messen continues). The totalitarian regime rests on lies because they are lies. The subject of the totalitarian regime must accept them not as truth—must not, in fact believe them—but accept them both as lies and as the only available reality. She must believe nothing. Just as Orwell predicted, over time the totalitarian regime destroys the very concept, the very possibility of truth. Hannah Arendt identified this as one of the effects of totalitarian propaganda: it makes everything conceivable because ‘nothing is true.’

We are living when hybrids of formerly separate concepts abound. We are also living when language, especially the language of public discourse, including its use in both political propaganda and advertising, risks the very demise of anything that resembles objective truth. While some, including renowned intellects like Soren Kierkegaarde, posited that the only full truth lies in subjectivity, this view expressed the highest value of personal truth including beliefs, intuition, and imagination not necessarily applied to the public square. 

Northrop Frye, in The Educated Imagination, discerned between what he called the language of practical discourse and the language of the imagination. In the former, we attempt to discern the differences between things, people, ideals etc. In the latter, the creative writer links things, notions, concepts that are not united in the language of metaphor, simile, personification and anthropomorphizing. When we attend a drama in the theatre, or a cinema, we are expected to suspend our disbelief, enter into the scene playing out before us and let it work its ‘magic’ on our sensibilities. Nevertheless, this is a very different, discreet and honourable process, openly dedicated to the process of letting the dramatic intent of the writer, actors, directors and the rest of the crew play out in our imagination. Similarly, our relationship to any and all religious notions, beliefs, practices, while bearing touchstones in objective reality also stretch far beyond what we can observe with our senses and verify in our laboratories or doctoral theses.

Orwell’s Doublethink, on the other hand, is the act of holding simultaneously, two opposite, individually exclusive ideas or opinions and believing in both simultaneously and absolutely. Doublethink requires using logic against logic or suspending disbelief in the contradiction. Clearly, this concept helps those in power who wish to impose its dictates on their ‘polis’ given that they can then use both truth and their own deception as instruments of their own power.

Without veering into clinical practice, it seems clear that only a person so desperate, weak and vulnerable, as well as frightened beyond the capacity of one’s body, mind and spirit to sustain the normal vicissitudes of human existence would even consider venturing into a space that imposes ‘doublethink’ on any ‘polis’.

And yet, here we are, living, supposedly in a western democracy, in a developed quadrant of the world, in nations (the U.S. and Canada) proudly claiming the highest level and spread of education in history, with the most advanced laboratories and the scientists to staff them, and with the most advanced abstract thinkers and philosophers and even theologians and ethicists in history, and yet we as a species are “falling through the cracks” in our own system.

It is not our ideology, per se, that we can point to as our Achilles’ heel; nor is it our capacity to write and enact laws; nor is it our capacity to plan and to assemble different points of view; nor is it whether we worship in a cathedral, synagogue, or mosque that determines our vulnerability; nor is it our capacity to design, invent and produce new machines, new technologies, new pharmacological interventions; nor is it our capacity to discern between right and wrong that brings about our current state of vulnerability.

We are, as a species, so embedded in both intellectual and operational files, that segregate each academic discipline from every other, that silo each “authority” figure from all other “authority” figures in disparate disciplines, and even permit, for  example, only women to speak about the issues facing women (mostly the result of the horrific behaviour and attitudes of men) and only men to speak and write about the issues facing men. If the political science department at one of the most highly valued post-secondary institutions of learning in the western world cannot even conceive of how “male” issues belong in that department, and if the education faculty of that same university cannot conceive of how Archetypal Psychology, for example, does not belong under their academic and structural roof, and if, for example, our pandemics (as well as our surging numbers of cancers, cardiac incidents, pollution indices, poverty indices, homeless indices, and our economic determinants like GDP, GNP, National Debt and Deficit) are not the consequence of both men and women participating in a gigantic game of willful deliberate, highly sophisticated power politics, including political correctness, class warfare, narcissism, short-term planning, and micro-managed conflicts that essentially endorse the issues deemed to be significant to the political class.

And that political class “rules” in each and every institution, and in every legislature, and in every town and city hall, as well as in every secondary school, elementary school, university, college, bank and hospital. And each of us risks “accepting” without protest, the implications of the agendas, including the processes designed to achieve the desired hierarchical agenda in each of the places we engage. Our personal power, as men and women, is never to be surrendered to the language, the whims, the agendas and the protocols of the powerful, simply because those are the expressed “wishes” of those in power.

And, especially in times when the truth is under siege, even so denigrated and rejected by so many millions of people, without bothering to question their own grasp of reality, and those aspects of reality that are being fed through “official” channels, as if they monopolized a shared reality, we must find our voices. And this voice is loudly shouting, even screaming, that men’s voices, both because too many men hold positions of power and influence in respect of our half of the population, and because men, in too many cases, have succumbed to the “compliance” of surrender and sacrifice, in order to ‘fit into” the specific hierarchy of our jobs and our institutions, have been relegated to the penalty box of our cultural memes.

In both political science, and in education, as well as in theology, philosophy, psychology and the arts, the voice of men need to be represented, formally and informally, not merely in the offices of the chief executives, the deans, the bishops and the principals, but in the academic departments, the lecture halls, and certainly in the elementary and secondary schools of North America. Men, for the most part, are providing not merely dysfunctional leadership through this COVID-19 crisis. Men have designed, built and sustained an economic system, and a political power structure and expectation that needs to be challenged, especially by men, Women are already seeing its structural erosion, and are crying out for change. Men, on the other hand, are clinging to the models of their own generation, and their own hold on power.

And given the current administrations in Washington, Toronto, Rome, Beijing, Moscow, London, Indonesia, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, it is long past time when the ways in which we think about how we are going to survive, or not, have to shift so dramatically, as to literally and metaphorically shake the very foundations of our civilization.

Inclusion, collaboration, co-operation, the paradox of the power of vulnerability, and the power of not knowing need to be so easily and readily embraced by men, and so swiftly that we cannot wait another week or another month for that embrace.

There are some male voices chanting hymns of hope, promise, inclusion, reconciliation and respect for all; their choir needs the voluntary inclusion of all males in position of leadership, in families, in town councils, provincial governments, and national administrations. And those males who choose complicity with the thugs calling themselves “heroes” need to be replaced by men and/or women whose vision and promise offer the hope of life for every human on the planet.

It is not only those speaking from public podiums who risk eviscerating their humanity by mouthing hollow words, concepts, beliefs and perceptions. There is an equal danger in raising generations of men whose voices have gone hollow and silent, while their words flow like angry lava over a culture drowning in their insouciant narcissism.

Monday, March 9, 2020

#56 Men, agents of and pathway to cultural metanoia (transforming 'how we do business')

Mansplaining apparently occurs when a male, in a condescending manner is explaining something to a woman. Femsplaining, as the inverse, occurs when a feminist, also in a condescending manner explains something to a man.

Noa that these concepts have wormed their way into such publications as Daily Kos, there is a genuine danger that all debates between men and women will be categorized as man/fem-splaining, and the integral content of the explaining automatically morphs into another “gender-war-bullet”.

This it what occurred in a recent story in Daily Kos, reporting on an exchange between Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and Madame Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Gorsuch apparently in an attempt to justify a hands-off approach to gerrymandering by the Supreme Court, leaving the matter to the states, cited three or four amendments, in his haughty, arrogant, condescending manner. This manner, according to the report in Daily Kos, has become common and infuriating to others on the court and Madame Justice Ginsburg decided to cut Gorsuch’s argument into shreds.

 "Where did 'one person, one vote' come from?" she asked, rhetorically. Of course the answer is from Supreme Court precedent, where the court did indeed find the authority to weigh in. (quoted from Daily Kos, Community and Classics, March 8, 2020)
Naturally, Gorsuch remained silent for the remainder of the argument.
While I applaud the incisive interjection by Madame Justice Ginsburg, I deplore the reporter’s and the editor’s use of the word, mansplaining, thereby reducing arguments in the Supreme Court of the United States to another inevitable battle between men and women.
Just yesterday, appearing on Fareed Zakaria’s GPS on CNN, Hillary Clinton legitimately bemoaned the continuing disparity between men and women, without once mentioning how men might be brought into the conversation, both to legitimize the demands and aspirations of all women, and to give voice to the contemporary masculine perspective. Gorsuch, while admittedly a male, does not represent me or millions of other men, in his condescension to all members of the Supreme Court, including Madame Justice Ginsburg. His right-wing arguments on behalf of states rights, and the desired exclusion of the Supreme Court from all the various nefarious attempts to restrict voting to minority voters need not, indeed must not be categorized as just another “dumb, arrogant, male” in the proverbial, ubiquitous gender wars. Mansplaining, given the meaning that is attached to its use, as well as femsplaining, do not belong in a report on the words, arguments being deploying in the highest court of the land.
Reporting, and editing that sanctions the use of such derogatory, dismissive and outright weaponizing of the words chosen by the justice, even if the reporter disagrees with the position Gorsuch is articulating, only exacerbates the conflict between men and women, highlighting the female “put-down” at the expense of just another dunder-header, arrogant, supercilious and deeply condescending male.
If we are to accept such reporting as “factual” there is little reason to doubt the president when he screams, “fake news” if and when he senses his own defamation in the media.
The words, mansplaining and femsplaining do not belong in any report on the proceedings of the Supreme Court. In fact, they do not belong in a report on any public issue, safe and except those concerning the direct rights and responsibilities of men and women. Words do matter so much in fact that they undergird and foreshadow the pathways of our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and eventually the culture in which we live.
Slipping into an “everyday way of going about our business” can be very dangerous. And the above slippage is only one of many we all need to confront.

In a March 5 edition of Slate, Mary Harris interviews Peter Daszak, a zoologist who works in China and runs the EcoHealth Alliance, on organization that studies the connections between human and wildlife health. As an expert on matters including the raging coronavirus, COVID-19, Daszak bluntly tells Harris,
 “I would say we are the cause of almost all  emerging diseases. (And when asked to explain) goes on:
We’re not doing it on purpose, but it’s our everyday way of going about business on the planet that seems to be driving this. The big things that drive these diseases are place on the planet where there’s lots of wildlife diversity, because they carry viruses, some of which can become pandemics in places where the human population is dense and growing. Because our contact with wildlife is higher, there’s more of a chance for viruses to get to us…
It’s the way we bump up against them. I’ve found that things like land use, change, deforestation, road building, mining and agriculture intensification are the reasons we push ourselves into wildlife habitat and get infected.
And when Harris asks why we are not hearing this kind of thinking and perceptions, Daszak’s answer seems to apply to more issues that the coronavirus:
We’ve got used to this idea that we’re in a reductionist strategy to deal with things. We find this virus. We learn everything about the molecules on the surface. WE have high-tech solutions to design vaccines and produce them. Truly, it all doesn’t work quickly enough to actually deal with an outbreak. These outbreaks are now moving in a matter of days. We saw cells emerge after two months and spread globally. This one took two weeks. We haven’t got time to develop vaccines and drugs quickly, But the public demands it and expects it.
Harris then poses a very frightening portrait: There are over a million viruses like the novel coronavirus out there. You’ve found 500 different coronaviruses in bats alone, but it took you 10 years to do that work.
Daszak: We need to do that on this scale so that we discover all the rest of those viruses. We need many more groups in many more regions doing this work. We then need to get those sequences we find into the hands of vaccine designers, because what’s the point in spending billions of dollars designing a vaccine to SARS if the virus that emerges this year is 20 percent different and the vaccine doesn’t work? Let’s have vaccines across the whole group. We’ve heard about the universal flu vaccine. Let’s have a universal coronavirus vaccine. Let’s have a universal Ebola Virus vaccine. I think that’s common sense.
When Harris details government resistance, virologist focus on a single vaccine, and manufacturers resistance because of cost, Daszak responds brilliantly, fundamentally and prophetically:
We need voices out there that advocate for dealing with pandemics as a process, not just individual pathogens. And it’s not just vaccines and drugs. We have the basic public health message of getting to rural communities that are building roads to new mining facilities and asking about building a clinic. As we think about a more sustainable approach to doing business, sustainability regarding our health and the environment should be part of it.

If ever there were a clarion call to human culture to transition from micro-management of the immediate crisis, Daszak’s voice is one worthy of our attention. Whether the crisis be viral, or environmental, or ethical or economic, it is clear that there is really no justification for separate boundaries given the overlap and the inter-dependence of all facets of human existence, in all corners of the planet. The political class, fixated as it is on the latest opinion poll numbers, (e.g. Trudeau’s popularity is down partly because of his response to indigenous blockades of rail lines, in support of the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs’ opposition to the Coastal Gaslink pipeline, while the Dow has languished over coronavirus, interest rates have dipped, oil prices are plunging and recession is looming) is paying attention to those matters they believe determine their own electability.

Just as there is no longer justification for segregation of issues from each other, so too there is no justification for our reporting on public issues to be isolated into those instant headlines that generate ratings. We are all enmeshed in the reductionism Daszak details over coronavirus. Only trouble is that the reductionisms pervade our public discourse. Isolating roads to new mines from the impact on wildlife, and the impact on the spread of viruses from those very animals and birds that are displaced by the new roads, cannot be reported on, analyses or editorialized about in a silo, especially given that the silo itself is constructed, funded and dependent on the investors of that very mine who seek their profit, without having to consider the “collateral damage” that mine will cause.

We can no longer use the word “collateral damage” in reference only to the deaths and injuries caused by bombs or missiles dropped from drones. Our complicity in the shaping of our culture “norms” has to be radically shaken. We can no longer sleep through the headlines, or through the talking heads’ conversations shaped and warped as they are by the corporate, financial, economic and profit-driven frenzy of those with the power of their wallets and their portfolios.

This profit-driven, reductionistic, competitive, and highly short-sighted mentality risks not only the emergence of more viruses, just as lethal or perhaps more lethal than COVIC-19, but also the rise of sea levels, the swamping of coastal cities, the plague of both drought and raging forest fires, not to mention the displacement of millions of human beings and the impact of their legitimate demand for food, water and health care and education.

Given that men have been “leading” the political debates in the west for centuries,  and given that dramatic shifts are not merely necessary, but actually urgently required, there will have to be a significant shift in the collective thinking of what it is to do our daily business. In some ways, the Bernie-Sanders-promised revolution is only a beginning when the longer-term survivability of the planet is considered.

Clinging to our immediate neuroses, in our personal "identity", as well as in our family lives, in our education and academic pursuits, and certainly in our public discourse, including the vernacular and the attitudes of our reporters, editorialists and thought-leaders, as Daszak reminds us, will only lead to more myopic, short-sighted, isolated and tragically counter-intuitive attitudes, decisions, policies and the reinforcement of a set of cultural norms that can be defined as “self-sabotaging.”

Having carved this circle with our shared “uroborus snake” mind and body, we are in danger of simply repeating this circle and digging it deeper making it even more difficult to move out of the comfortable and familiar path.

With trump, the whole political class was convinced that first he would not win, and then would not be the disaster he is, and now merely that he is a “character” as the American electorate slept through their own demise-threatening election of 2016. In a similar manner, the whole world risks falling into a similar, if not identical trap, of our own collective mind’s making.

John Milton in Paradise Lost, wrote these words in reference to the fall of Arch-Angel into the netherworld: (Book 1)

Farewell happy Fields
Where Joy forever dwells: Hail horrours hail,
Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new possessor: one who brings
A mind not to be chang’d by Place or Time.
The mind is its own place, and in it self
Can make a Heaven of Hell a Hell of Heaven

Are we in danger of risking the bounty, and the beauty of this globe through our perverted sense of importance, our fixation on our own immediate ‘time-frame’ and our narcissistic addiction to the pursuit of “filthy lucre” as the defining motive of our time?

Editor's Note:
For those thinking that by ascribing most responsibility for re-thinking our approach to mining roads, and our relationship to wild life, to men, I am mistakenly doing precisely what I complained about in the Daily Kos article, that is rendering public issues to another chapter of the gender war, I respectfully submit that, the Ginsburg quote was legitimate as a point of a legal argument, and reported as a put-down of Gorsuch, effectively an ad hominum attack. Ginsburg, I am confident, was not  using an ad hominum attack. Secondly, the issue of resource development etc. is a broad social issue, undertaken primarily by men, in pursuit of profit. And it is this exclusive profit motive that I am urging to be moderated by those men in the forefront of the initiative.

Friday, March 6, 2020

#55 Men, agents of and pathway to cultural metanoia (Reflections on Warriors and Wanderers)

Yesterday in the food court of the local mall, I saw a mid-thirties man wearing a black t-shirt on which were emblazoned the words:

               “A warrior is an ordinary man with a laser focus”

Mankind, the non-profit offering training in leadership and connection to men around the world, now operating in at least 13 countries according to their website, prominently displays the word “warrior” and markets exciting and transformative weekend retreats for men. Testimonials abound about how the experience has made “me a different man” now able to relate more completely and effectively with family, spouse, co-workers and oneself. Telling the truth, making only promises that can and will be kept, listening actively and empathetically to the loved ones in a man’s life, and offering interventions, suggestions, recommendations and coaching in a respectful, and mutually accepted manner, without over-powering another….these are all very appropriate guideposts for all men.

Similarly, self-confidence, and leadership training to seek and to find the best in everyone, and then working supportively to help others to release their ‘highest self’ is such a highly needed and valued quality among men, especially when masculinity is finding so many opportunities to be ridiculed; the most obvious ridicule of healthy masculinity is the U.S. president.

Full disclosure: I have never attended and Mankind retreat, workshop or leadership training session.

Also, I want to uphold all efforts by men to uphold other men, to embrace healthy masculinity if all of its many forms, and to build a male-bond that embraces the globe. Male leaders especially, are under extreme pressure to hold fast to a vastly outmoded masculinity that values all of the symbols and the mythologies and the weapons of hard power, military might, athletic prowess, male sexuality. Disdaining weakness, sacrifice, self-effacement, modesty, humility and especially emotional sensitivity and sensibility, many men remain locked in the concrete cell of a stereotype that is not sustainable and even life-threatening.

As far back as 1986, Carol Pearson wrote The Hero Within, in which she documented the warrior archetype, for both men and women. Here are some of her words:

What do warriors learn? First, they learn to trust their own truths and act on them with absolute conviction in the face of danger. To do so, moreover, it is necessary for them to take control of, and responsibility for their own lives….To identify oneself as a Warrior is to say, “I am responsible for what happens here,” and “I must do what I can to make this a better world for myself and for others. It also requires Warriors to claim authority, that they have a right to assert what they want for themselves and for others. Warriors learn to trust their own judgement about what is harmful and, perhaps most important, they develop the courage to fight for what they want or believe in, even when doing so requires great risk—the loss of a job, mate, friends, social regard, or even their very lives.
Eventually, if they do not regress to find refuge in dogmatism and become tyrants, they also will develop flexibility and humility. All the liberating truths, by themselves, fail! They fail partly because each is just part of the truth; all of us are like the proverbial blind men, each feeling one part and trying to describe a whole elephant.
The hero ultimately learn not the content per se but a process. The process begins with an awareness of suffering, then moves to telling the story and an acknowledgment to oneself and to others that something is painful. Then comes the identification of the cause of that pain and taking appropriate action to stop it. The hero replaces the absolutist belief that in slaying one dragon we solve all problems for all time with a belief that we continue slaying dragons our entire lives. He or she learns that the more we slay, the more confident we become, and therefore the less violent we have to be….The stronger and more confident Warriors become, the less they must use violence, the more gentle they can be—with themselves and others. Finally, they need not define the other as villain, opponent, or potential convert, but as another hero like themselves. (Carol Pearson, The Hero Within, Harper San Francisco, 1986, p. 84-5)

A little later, Pearson writes cautionary words for men:

When agency is separated from care, it becomes will, domination. This is the primary danger of warrioring for men…..(M)any men move into warrioring prematurely when they really still are at the narcissistic Orphan stage and only later begin to see the importance of caring for others….(Men) who have integrated care and sacrifice into their lives can fight for their country, their company or their family but sometimes not truly for themselves. Indeed, that the hero traditionally has been cast as male and the victim as female holds dangers for both men and women. While women may fear the presumption of stepping into the heroic role, men may identify their heroism solely in terms if protecting and rescuing others—especially women and children—while they neglect the captive victim in themselves: men, they believe, are not supposed to need rescue. Neither men noir women can fight intelligently for themselves unless they have taken the  time, as Wanderers, to find out who they are and what they want. (Pearson, op. cit, p 86-7)

Without in any way wishing to cast doubt on programs for men by groups like Mankind, I have a couple of observations of caution. First, in the most broad and un-nuanced language of public discourse, including that of marketing, public relations, political debate and even public consciousness seeping into our collective unconscious, the very word “warrior” is radioactive. Thinking that public figures are elevating public debate into a zero-sum game, in which there can only be winners and losers, and then applying that template to everything they (we) do, severely limits our options. First, whatever “war” it is we are engaged in demands a full-out life-death commitment, given that losing is socially humiliating, demeaning and worthless, rendering the loser almost worthless in today’s parlance.

Such desperation poured like white-hot lave from the mouth of Brett Cavanagh in his confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court, when he, under orders from the Supreme Leader, burst forth in a barrage of invective against Democrats, including the Clintons, and those questioning his account of that night in high school. The evidence from Dr. Blasey-Ford, while compelling and riveting, nevertheless, was insufficient to block his confirmation.

To sew the seed of “warrior” into the minds and heart of especially young people of both genders, is to risk pushing them to an totally unnecessary brink in their own lives, if “loser” is the single perceived option to any conflict.

Another observation about the “warrior” goal, regardless of how ambitious, ethical, and heroic it may be, concerns the step of “wandering” or even being lost, or in confusion, or abandoned or even outcast, in a culture that quite literally demands instant gratification as a needed step to the healthy warrior. Wanderers, as epitomized by the Gethsemane experience remembered and re-enacted in this Lenten period, are not nearly as idolized or idealized in our culture, except in serious dramas in which serious issues begging life choices take hold of an individual. Given that the Wanderer archetype is both difficult and highly demanding as a challenge to everyone, and given the culture’s tilting toward almost instant “success,” it might be relevant to review the Wanderer’s dilemma and the potential gift of taking this path, especially for men who eschew long-term solutions and processes, in our preference for “action, now”!

Pearson’s words might be helpful to each of us here:

Jean Auel’s bestselling novel, Clan of the Cave Bear, portrays and Wanderer’s dilemma, Ayla, one of the first home sapiens, is swimming one day when an earthquake kills her whole tribe. She is only five. Wandering alone for days, she finally is picked up by Iza, the Medicine Woman of the Clan. The Clan, we learn, are humans, but of a different species. They have phenomenal memories but are not very good at abstract thinking or problem solving. They also have absolutely rigid, patriarchal sex role patterns. Deviation on critical points is punishable by death but the patterns by now are so genetically encode4d that no one in the Clan even thinks of deviation anymore.
The tension between the desire for growth, for mastery, for pushing the limits of one’s capacity to achieve versus pone’s desire to please and fit in is a quintessential Wanderer’s dilemma. Ayla’s story is illustrative of it. She is strikingly different from the people around her and they fear her difference. So does she, because it threatens her survival, which is dependent—when she is a child—upon pleasing the Clan. To find herself, she must leave the people she most loves so that she can stop compromising to please them.
The most important difference Ayla feels is her capacity for androgyny. She is capable of performing both male and female tasks, and she is curious enough to want to learn everything she can. She resolves her dilemma by conforming when with the Clan, but when she is alone she secretly teachers herself to hunt.
When Ayla’s ability to hunt inevitably is discovered, her punishment is to be declared dead. Usually, Clan who are pronounced dead actually die, so strong is their belief in the declaration. But there is a provision in Clan mythology that, if a person comes back from the dead after a certain number of “moons,” he or she can be accepted into the tribe. That means Ayla has to survive on her own for a long time—and in winter. On her own means dealing with not only physical survival but also the emotional crisis of learning to trust her own sense of the Clan’s reality: They said she would be dead; she thinks (but us not sure) she is alive….
When she comes back, she is accepted. She very much want to be part of the Clan again, for she has been dreadfully lonely, yet the experience of making it on her own has made her even more confident and therefore less malleable and more independent of Clan mores…..(M)aking an absolute choice for ourselves and our own integrity even if it means being along and unloved is the prerequisite for heroism and ultimately for being able to love other people while remaining autonomous. It is essential for creating the proper boundaries so that we can see the difference between ourselves and another person—so that we will not have to objectify them to know ourselves and what we want….When we find work…that expresses our souls, we find ourselves by what we bring into being. The Wanderer’s quest, then, also is about agency, productivity, creativity. (Pearson, op. cit. pps. 68-69-70-71)

What is going on for your scribe here is the tension between the public vocabulary of such words as “warrior” and “wanderer” in a culture in which the denotative meaning of words almost erases the connotative meanings. We are living at a time when layers of meaning, especially of words that are heavily freighted with being ‘hot-buttons’ tend to lose much of their intonation, their overtones, and their complexity. And in a culture in which reading and writing are being supplanted by 240-character-tweets, (or less) the dangers of reductivity into mere headlines of concepts that demand their being written and inscribed into the psyches (and the minds and hearts, and then into the value systems and operational impulses) of millions, especially men to whom these pieces are intended, I trust these cautions are read and accepted in the spirit in which they are proferred.

A culture which relegates complexity in human beings and especially in human relations to “experts” risks abandoning the very hard and potentially highly productive inner work of “getting to know who I am” and the even more subtle and imaginative work of discerning if and when to interject, to speak or listen, to smile or frown, to walk away or to stay and let in those thoughts, words, attitudes and perceptions that come to us a “strangers” in the night. Reducing to shibboleths, or more seriously to “bullets” in a list to learn, repeat and discuss with others, such notions as the warrior, the wanderer, androgyny, and the pain of not knowing, while paradoxically attempting to find one’s singular path, could be the most destructive approach one might find and take.

For a few “irritants” and discomforts, there are a few chemical relievers. For the process of becoming a healthy, hearty, full-throated and fully engaged male, no such pills will suffice, Thankfully! Naturally, the rewards of a more comprehensive and complex journey also far outweigh the immediate relief of those pain-killers, the need for which will inevitably return.