Monday, February 25, 2013

Jimmy Carter: ARGO, "great film, but most credit goes to Canada, not CIA"

From CNN website, February 25, 2013 based on a Piers Morgan interview with former President Jimmy Carter
Seated together in San Diego, the former commander in chief offers his unique insight and perspective on the motion picture "Argo," an Oscar-nominated film that's based on actual events occurring during his presidency:

"Let me say first of all, it’s a great drama, and I hope it gets the Academy Award for best film because I think it deserves it," says Carter.
Citing one key discrepancy in the film, the former United States president makes a point to offer some just praise for America's neighbors to the north:
"The other thing that I would say was that 90 percent of the contributions to the ideas and the consummation of the plan was Canadian," notes the 88-year-old. "The movie gives almost full credit to the American CIA. And with that exception, the movie's very good."
Noting that Tony Mendez, the man portrayed by actor/director Ben Affleck, had a rather minimal role in the in the actual incident, the guest reveals whom he feels was the most important protagonist in the real life story:
"The main hero, in my opinion, was Ken Taylor who was the Canadian ambassador who orchestrated the entire process," reveals Carter. "I was informed about it the first day, and I was very much involved with the Canadian government because the Canadian government would not legally permit six false passports to be issued. So the Canadian parliament had to go into secret session the first time in history, and they voted to let us use six Canadian passports that were false."


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