Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pakistan, a failed state?

If Fareed Zakaria's guest on Sunday morning January 22, 2012, Imam Khan, "the most popular man in Pakistan," is right about his country, the U.S. does not have a stable, secure and competent government/country with whom to build any kind of authentic relationship.
Calling the government of his country "the most corrupt, the most incomptent and the most hated" in Pakistan's history, Khan worried by Skype, that the more the military conducts "missions" into the territory occupied by the terrorists, the more jihadists it generates, leaving the situation even more unstable, more militarily armed ("There are now at least 1,000,000 armed men in those territories!) and thereby more dangerous, without any prospect of change or improvement in the situation.
"What would he do, if he were the Prime Minister?" asked Zakaria.
"I would first of all say jihad is over, finished. It is time to put down the arms and to bring about some reasonable talks between the terrorists and the government, for the benefit of all parties. Jihad has not worked. It will not work, and an immediate ceasefire is needed.
Here is one of the first voices from Pakistan whose rhetoric does not sound duplicitous, deceptive and parked on both sides of every issue, as we in North America are accustomed to hear from Pakistani voices.
Not only is Iran, and the increasing pressure being put on her by several countries, including especially the U.S., important to the world, so is Pakistan, a nuclear armed country, in complete disarray, vulnerable to a potential collusion of the terrorists and the military, pemetrated in the belief of many by those same terrorists, and the potential release of a single nuclear weapon to those terrorists. Harbouring, or being suspected of harbouring Osama bin Laden, harbouring and secretly supplying the Taliban, harbouring and secretly arming the terrorists ....all the while using American financial largesse, demonstrably being kept out of the loop when the Americans captured and killed bin Laden because the U.S. decision-makers did/do/will not trust the Pakistan decision-makers....these are all signs of an ally whose "friendship" is potentially more dangerous than a relationship with an avowed enemy. At least with the enemy, you know where you stand. With Pakistan, apparently, the U.S. never knows, and never knew, and most likely will never know where it stands, except that the Pakistani goverment continues to reach out its had for more money.
With the economy in tatters, unemployment rising through all measures of acceptable levels, no prospects for business investment and development, not only is the military flank a serious question mark, according to Khan, buy so are the social and domestic sides of Pakistani politics off the rails.
A failed state, with nuclear weapons, in an extremely unstable region of geopolitics, cannot be a sign of confidence for the rest of the world.
And once again, there is no international forum in which the issues facing this potential  failed state, (if it has not already attained that infamous status) can be discussed, with leverage and the potential to intervene, from a gestalt that includes all of the failures and their implications both internally and externally, leaving another open and cancerous wound to pour its toxic and plentiful venom into the caldrom of global politics.
We cannot stand by and let these situations continue to have their inevitable and heinous potential to hang over the world's people.


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