Risks of empirical epistemology, the 'correspondence theory of truth'
Now that Russia has clearly attacked and invaded Ukraine, it is not only at war with Ukraine but with all democratic countries.
Will the Canadian government immediately: suspend all diplomatic ties with Russia; recall all Canadian diplomatic staff from Russia; expel all Russian diplomatic staff from Canada; seize all Russian assets in Canada; ask the World Court to indict Vladimir Putin as a war criminal and issue an arrest warrant?
Alexander Hukowich, Cobourg
This letter to the editor appeared in The Star. We reproduce it here because, not being in the streets in Kyiv or in Moscow, we still have a vested interest in seeing this war brought to an end. We also wish to stop a pattern of lies used to justify this war and the many other savage, reprehensible and unconscionable acts both committed and omitted by putin and trump. And the instruments, methods, pathways and agencies that might bring about the immediate downfall of putin, are seemingly rare and out of reach of the political leadership of the west.
Also, Saturday, on Smerconish on CNN, a non-scientific
poll of viewers in response to the question, “Should NATO go to war to defend
Ukraine?” with some 38+ thousand responses, 77% answered “YES”. I have never even thought I would have voted
for war over the last eight decades. This morning, however, I sadly throw my
vote in with those who contend that this aggression, this unprovoked,
unjustified and illegitimate bombing of Ukraine, a country that could not be a
threat to Russia or any other country, has to be stopped.
Steroid sanctions, however, represent only steroid
rhetoric, not adequate threat. And steroid sanctions, linked to a ‘hands-off’
declaration by Biden that American boots will never be deployed in Ukraine,
leaves the playing field open for whatever putin chooses.
It is that range of unlimited options, being left open
without effective counter-forces, that risks not only the freedom of the
Ukrainian people, but also the stability of European collective body politic.
And an open field for a dictator drunk on power, in pursuit of faux honour of
his country and the rusted legacy of his historic reputation, will wreak havoc,
kill thousands, and put the threat of nuclear weapons into the world’s shared
None of those prospects, all of them on the radar of
all of the intelligence establishments around the globe, and also on the
screens of all of the televisions and laptops and cell phones, can be
considered as only bluffing. A madman whose finger is on the trigger of the
largest nuclear arsenal in the world, some 6500 nuclear weapons, whose ambition
is devoid of a single cell of regard and respect for human life, human dignity
and human rights of any who might oppose his views and his actions, and his
motives, is a serious threat to the world.
Why, for example, would Russian forces even want to
take control of the site of the Chernobyl nuclear melt-down, if not to have
another weapon of intimidation to deploy on innocent people of norther Ukraine?
Why would Russian police be arresting up to 2000
already, of those merely carrying signs in some 50 cities across Russia,
protesting a war against a people they consider friends, as well as literal
family for some? Already, we are reading reports, this morning, Monday,
February 28, of a Russian strike of a nuclear waste storage facility near Kyiv,
as the Atomic Energy Agency awaits report or radioactive fallout.
Why would Russian agents even agree to poison Navalny,
and Litvinenko in Great Britain, as incidents of intimidation using chemical
weapons, ostensibly with a degree of impunity through stealth, except to
assuage their fear/contempt of putin?
Why would Russian forces in Syria shift from the
occasional lethal attack on individuals or small groups, to killing larger
groups of innocent Syrian citizens, on behalf of the Syrian dictator, Assad,
except to demonstrate both the strength and the will to do whatever they can in
the blind service of two dictators?
Why would Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov succumb to
the prevarications and distortions entailed in an unsustainable argument that
Ukraine is run by neo-fascists and publicly endorse a bi-lateral meeting with
Blinkin, except to sustain his own luxurious, narcissistic and heavily endowed
position and status as Foreign Minister?
Similarly, why would all of the oligarchs who have been
propped up by putin, and who have shared in the illegitimate spoils of wealth
from energy sales, and then, like putin, scurried their wealth into foreign
ownership of professional sports teams like professional soccer teams in Great
Britain, except that they can, and they enjoy the luxury and the power that
feeds their own sycophantic narcissism?
Sycophants kneeling under the fear, foot, thumb and
even the gun of excommunication and potential assassination of a tyrant, make
such tyrannies possible. And such sycophants, and such behaviour are not
exclusive to Russia and putin. We have watched, and continue to watch in
Washington, (and likely in other capitals if investigators were able to plumb
the records with protection) sycophants grovelling at the foot of their chosen
“leader,” the formeroccupant of the Oval Office. And such grovelling, under the
guise of ‘protecting and serving the ordinary people’ serves only a single
purpose: the perverted, personal narcissistic and oppressive will of that
single leader. Money and political power in the hands of men like putin and
trump, and perhaps other tyrants like Xi Jin Ping and Kim Jong Un, is
potentially lethal for any with the strength, the courage and the conviction to
oppose their iron and vindictive will. For many decades, in the west, there
have been complaints about greedy and abusive corporations, tragically
considered ‘humans’ under American law, (another American self-deception);
today, we have to focus on individual narcissistic greed among billionaires. By
the way, corporations, by definition, have neither a conscience, nor a capacity
for shame.
Estimating and predicting the lengths to which
unleashed individual human power, unopposed, will go, is a matter far above the
pay-grade and competence of this scribe. In fact, it must become one of the
active files of the national security agencies of each respective government:
that those agencies undertake a complete, if secret and confidential,
investigation of the methods and motives of their dictatorial and unprincipled
and tragic terrorist leaders.
Whether or not both putin and trump are clinical
psychopaths or sociopaths seems somewhat irrelevant and even redundant. Leave
such questions for the clinically-trained, and with their help the doctoral
candidates of the next century, whether they be in history, politics, national
security, psychiatry or criminal anthropology. For the moment, the world needs
to explore, unearth and perhaps even invent both means and methods that would
put radioactive barbed wire, literally, and metaphorically around such men, and
protect the world from their tyrannical, life-long, fantasy ambitions.
Those ambitions cannot be accomplished without the
services of many neurotic dupes, the sycophants. And consequently, each and
every public service has an obligation to recruit and to train and to support
individuals who are unlikely to fall into the traps of treason, espionage, and
secret seductions of the forces that would take over their lives, minds, hearts
and bank accounts, to serve their nefarious needs. That will never be fully and
perfectly accomplished. There will always be sinister, hidden forces that will
be accessible to those highly seductive bobbles of money, glitz and power, on which
these tyrants and their thug-gangs will both cling and recruit.
At the other end of this equation, the public has to
be much better educated (not merely trained in skills) to be able to both spot
and to expose those candidates for office who openly avow nefarious purposes
and ends, and to discern the authentic candidates from the imposters. That,
too, will be extremely difficult from at least two perspectives: first, in the
education curricula, there must be histories and biographies of dictators,
tyrants, their methods and mind-sets that set their path long before they
entered the dark side.
As a society, in the west, we have an even more
complex reality to digest, assimilate and then confront. Writing on lithub.com, February 23, 2022, in
a piece entitled, “A history of Demonology is a History of the World,” to
introduce his latest book on demonology, Ed Simon writes:
Since the Enlightenment, Western Intelligentsia have
been the inheritors to a rather anemic model of knowledge known as the
correspondence theory of truth, whereby the validity of a statement is
ascertained simply by whether or not it matches empirical reality….A
fundamentalist adherence to the correspondence theory of truth, trumpeted by
logical positivists and other philosophical heretics, would consign John Keats,
Joyce Kilmer and William Wordsworth into a bin marked ‘meaningless’ (even
though I think we can all ascertain that there is meaning, even if it‘s the
‘slant’ truth that Emily Dickinson writes about).
Much of this space, for the last decade, has tried to
expose an inordinate dependence, if not obsession, with this ‘correspondence
theory of truth’ and its many applications. Empirical truth, based on
observable, measureable, and ‘sensible’ evidence is admittedly a significant
aspect of our experience, as well as our way of knowing. We see, or hear, taste
smell or touch something, and it becomes ‘real’. However, even to adopt such a
narrow fence around truth has multiple implications, which need far more
intellect and space to unpack than either competence or time will permit here.
However, a ‘flat earth’ of empirical reality is far
more easily consigned to epithets like “I am a bottom-line person, just the
bare facts please.” Those who take such a view, while focusing on only whatever
it is that they consider worthy of their attention, shut out much of the
context, and the multiple linkages of multiple factors in their world view.
They, and the view itself, enable a far more transactional vernacular,
including expectations of the other, and also responsibilities of those who
have or who seek positions of leadership and power. Manipulating the
superficial, empirically evident ‘chess pieces’ of numbers, and immediate
causes or co-relations, consumes the public discourse, including the
journalistic projects. Even investigative journalism, which digs deeper into
the range and depth of the empirical evidence, much the same way a legal case
is prepared, offers a proximate truth. This kind of obsession, even if it is
not a conscious obsession, but merely an involuntary fixation, provides huge
openings for those engaged in political discourse to drive their own obsessive
behemoth trucks through. And now we have such blatant manipulation of
superficial ‘data’ that lies drown even empirical truths.
Riding the wind and the waves of correspondence theory
of truth, people like putin and trump and others, have a playing field bereft
of poetics, and of explanations that go beyond the literal, the numerical and
the observable. Ordinary people, while perhaps not either signing on to being
conscripted to this level of language, perception and thought, are nevertheless
complicit in allowing its ubiquity.
There are accountants, doctors, lawyers, engineers,
and digital technologists who are all fully engaged in the ‘correspondence
theory of truth’. And they are all making quite comfortable livings, no doubt.
Empirical truth and the data that supports the concept generates both cash and
opinions that have serious impacts.
Simon continues:
That the correspondence theory of truth doesn’t even
match its own exacting prescriptions to
what is legitimate or not is a bit of self-referential absurdity best passed
over; concluding that as a model it’s clearly ineffectual in describing whole
swaths of human experience is sufficient enough….Of the approaches that the
modern person has in considering demonology, there’s obviously blunt
literalism, equally blunt denialism, and then a sort of vast middle that
reduces demons to ‘metaphors’ or ‘symbols.’ Concerning those who think of
demons as being as ‘real’ as the dog in the yard, little can be said. Such fundamentalism is its own capitulation
to the exigencies of modernity; it’s as positivist as anyone adhering to the
correspondence theory of truth, it merely chooses to ascent toward that which
anyone can see is an absurdity. Those who adhere to this contention may think
that they’re taking part in a venerable spiritual tradition, but they hold to
the same epistemological framework as any rationalist or skeptic, they just
choose to believe in something demonstrably wrong….Denialists are a different
species, to harp on the nonexistence of demons is to miss that point in the
same way as the literalists but toward a different direction. Smugly
emphasizing that demons aren’t real seems about the same as arguing that “Truth
is beauty, beauty is truth’ is an absurdity because it can’t be reduced to
symbolic logic; those who expel poetry in favor of the syllogism live a shallow
existence. Most obnoxious of this type are those who reject anything that to
them has the taint of the spiritual, the divine, the transcendent about it,
consigning millenia of human experience and expression into the trash can
because it doesn’t conform to a model of truth that has only existed for a few
dozen generations.”
And it is not only Simon’s dilemma in attempting to
answer the question, “Do I believe in demons?" that arises. It is the
foundational question of how western culture can and will be able to cope with
“reality” and truth, given that we seem to vacillate between fundamentalists
and denialists, not only about demons but about most of our other complex
existential and shared questions.