Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Baseball Game

 sitting on the beach
                             down the south channel
     on a breezy, sunny July afternoon
feeling free and easy as the sand poured through
our fingers and toes
and the seagulls swooped over the water
                   in search of lunch
and two little girls built sand castles
           between swims…
out of the same ‘blue yonder’ that
       brought the birds and their
came an unexpected picture….
                  “Do you want to go to a baseball game tonight?”
“How would we do that?” came the ultra-mature inquiry
from the pre-teen…..
    ‘make and pack some sandwiches and drive to the
game….and then return here’….
“Why not?” she responded….
and after the game, walking past the
              Heidelberg carillon bells in the dark of near-midnight,
The words, “We could never have done this with Mom!”

                                                   Chimed out!

History Class, 1958

 skeletal fingers wrapped
         tightly in a two-hand-knot
the bowed spine responded to
       the direction of her eyes shielded
by large spectacles
as this titanium-willed
       instructor asked for the
terms of the Treaty of Utrecht
      from the class of students
withering under even the prospect
       of having to stand and answer
complete with comma’s and paragraphs
        from the hour of memorizing “homework”
and when the most innocent and naïve among us
            asked the forbidden question,
              “What is the significance and meaning of this?”
We all heard, “We have no time for such speculation;

         we have to prepare for the examination!”

Small-town lawyer

he seemed to know the courtroom
         so quietly and elegantly he
walked through the heavy oak doors
and glided into his place at the
of justice
waiting expectantly for the
call to order
to begin his submission
his brief notes summed in one
with respect, Your Honour
my honourable friend has apparently missed the
           filing date for his submission….
Thank you for your comment….
This case is removed from the
                   court docket…
withdrawing to the lawyers
                 change room, he
removed his gown and collar,
        replaced them with his
red plaid shirt and brigham pipe,
filled it with Wakefield tobacco, lit it,
   then pulled on his knee-high rubber boots
for his return to his rural roost
                      smiling every so slightly
at his small-town achievement.

Monday, May 15, 2017

If Trump is the symptom, what is the disease?

For Chris Hedges, Trump is the symptom not the disease.

Let’s look at that premise.

What is the disease for which Trump passes as symptom?

Is it enhanced militarism and the impulse for personal, national and international combat?

Is it narcissism, that ubiquitous trait that puts personal needs and aspirations before national interests?

Is it a concentration span that mimics a gnat, stretching to a mere nano-second, glibly passes over complex details and prefers its own construct of reality?

Is it the obsession/paranoia that sees an existential threat in every corner, cupboard and video-clip?

Is it the rogue bandit that commandeered western plains and river valleys for decades, always on the lookout for the sheriff and mostly taking evasive actions until the final shoot-out?

Is it the gang leader whose absolute command of his gang tolerates no defiance, and for whom loyalty broken warrants some kind of death, whether physical or fiscal or political?

Is it the American version of the Russian oligarchs, whose money is tainted with the blood of unscrupulous acquisition and dangerous alliances and who keep running from discovery and disclosure?

Is it the unscrupulous real estate developer who ravages property rights and turns tenants into victims, failing bribes and stealth cash?

Is it the Napolean dictator whose tiny “self” demands such over-compensation and hubristic hegemony that ‘empire’ is the only tolerable ambition?

Is it the pathological liar who would not acknowledge or admit the truth if it hit his face like a wet fish, choosing instead to blame the fish for jumping out of the water?

Is it the racist “christian” monster that has prowled the south for centuries in a permanent recruitment campaign looking for pliable disciples and sycophants like A.G. sessions and dylan roof?

Is it the sexual predator whose power needs unleash his hands and his unbridled testosterone to do whatever he pleases, because he is a star?

Is it the incarnation of the ‘star’ culture that cripples both the one idolized and all who bow to such idols?

Is it the chameleon who changes ‘colour’ by the minute and the hour to avoid detection and death?

Is it The Great Gatsby-itis that haunts billionaires and millionaires who believe they can reproduce the past, host their friends in sumptuous palaces and buy anything and everything they might desire on their illegitimately-acquired wealth and status?

Or more likely, is it a unique narrative that amalgamates all  these dark archetypes while being devoid of conscience, remorse and moral scruples?

Undoubtedly, Hedges prefers the military-industrial-pharmaceutical-industrial-security-corporate complex that permits robber barons to run roughshod over legitimate worker, environmental, gender, racial and ethnic rights and freedoms while stashing boat-loads of cash where the IRS cannot or will not find it. The complex also incestuously links many elected officials to this “complex” and the funding dependence that results from this incest. And, this behemoth did not suddenly arise from the sea on the night of the election in November 2016.

It has been growing for decades; after all it was “IKE” (President Dwight D. Eisenhower) who warned of the military industrial complex in 1961, immediately prior to the inauguration of John F. Kennedy as president. And the monster has been on steroids for decades, steroids permitted by tax incentives, a military mind-set, a foreign policy that sought oil and support from puppet dictators, while spreading military materiel including chemical weapons far and wide, only to have those weapons and chemicals bite the American butt in one of the greatest ironies in history.

It is not out of character for the United States to be the target of much criticism today, specifically NSA, for having designed secret software, which was then stolen and picked up by unscrupulous hackers who just contaminated and emasculated hundreds of thousands of computers in nearly 200 countries, including the British National Health System. The extortion of $300 in bitcoin has been demanded for the re-opening of computers that were targeted.

When will the U.S. come to its collective senses and realize that its “for-profit” dominance, endorsing the sale of weapons, software and a plethora of other security device will never be free from the kind of piracy and terrorist sabotage that currently infests the world community?

Or is that really a redundant question, since the obvious answer is “NEVER”?

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The American Dream Legacy

potholes of psoriasis scar roads
pools of tears cover fields
records of planetary sobbing
             fall and spike to new high’s and low’s…
a pathetic fallacy never  
                     tolerated by animal care-givers
in zoos…
coffee-shops and diners overflow
                   with idle men
whose gravel voices and wrinkled eyes
               tell tales of pride in their
loyalty and accomplishment over
            decades producing metal and
rubber and wood and paper and cloth things
          all now crowding sea-ports
waiting on ships for their
                    unloading from the east
 their abandoned factories sit like empty
          caves a deceased and decaying
testament to former bosses and
             their bosses and union leaders and
their investors
        all of whom put personal
ambitions above the
needs and hopes of their workers
whose eyes now seem boarded like the
             windows and doors of their former
the butt-ends of a squandered promise
drink their black coffee, leave blank lines on
civic budgets and fill prisons,
                                        hospitals and hospices…
the new reservations are in the middle of
                       towns as the new elites
impose a new colonial serfdom
                   on their own…
cats and rats and stray dogs
               scavenge through trash emulating
their former care-givers
              in a desperate gasp to

Friday, May 12, 2017

When will responsibility "trump" rights again?....

It is no longer “do whatever you want as long as you don’t get caught”….today it is more like “hide your spine, bury your convictions and hope the tide lifts all responsibilities and replaces them with rights”….

Trump has no “right” to ask for and to expect and demand Comey’s pledge of loyalty. Nor does a co-worker have the right to wear noxious perfumes that are making co-workers seriously ill. The tar sands has no ‘right’ to dump polluting water into the rivers of northern Alberta, contaminating the water that keeps First Nations people alive. Volkswagen does not have the ‘right’ to lie about manipulating on-board computers to evade pollution emission testing.

And when the obvious claim to ‘rights’ that do not apply, by the most powerful office threatens to prove unequivocally his blatant obstruction of justice, perhaps then, after decades of skirting responsibilities, as a matter of “right” we can turn the corner and put responsibilities on top of our value totem pole.

There is a dramatic difference between “Yes WE can!” and “Yes I can!”….and the difference is that when the “can” is a shared act, project, initiative or even a dream or aspiration, then it has to be designed, proposed and executed by a range of players even if the range is more than two. Of course, if sycophants to power, those so fragile and so ambitious (the most dangerous and toxic cocktail of characters) join in an “I” with another, the result will always be tragic. The Trump white house is replete with sycophants to faux power, in this case defined by a single personal will that abides no opposition.

Last night on the Final Word, with Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC, Lawrence Tribe, professor of law at Harvard, documented trump’s obstruction of justice, in his question to Comey “Am I under investigation?” in a private dinner arranged by the White House, and his search for “loyalty” to Comey. The implication, according to Tribe, is that, “If you pledge loyalty, and protect me, then I will keep you on  as Director of the FBI!”  Of course, Comey already has declared that he pledged only to tell the truth, and not to offer his loyalty, nor did he request the dinner to secure his position as Director of the FBI.

Nor did Comey lack the support of the agency, as attested yesterday by the Acting Director in his testimony to Congress. In another contradiction of trump, the Acting Director also declared that the investigation into the Russian impact on the election, and the trump campaign collusion with Russia is a highly important matter, while trump continues to both question it and dismiss it and want the investigation terminated.

Of course, trump wants the investigation terminated; as others have put it there has never been a cover-up without an underlying crime needing it.

Tribe also characterizes trump’s spoken word as the “language of the mob” describing it in terms journalists might find their editors deleting as innuendo. Tribe is one of eighteen self-appointed “shadow cabinet” whose task is and will continue to be to offer public challenges to all acts and statements coming out of the White House and they have already initiated a court case on trump’s guilt under the emoluments clause, that public protection that precludes the president from being open to and accepting bribes from a foreign country or agent. Tribe expresses confidence that they will achieve a positive verdict against the president.

This morning we hear a comparison of these early days in the current administration to the Final Days of the Nixon administration in which both chief executives are “flailing” to quote Eugene Robinson, columnist in the Washington Post, and commentator on MSNBC.  Flailing presidents secretly host the Russian Foreign Minister, refusing to release photos of their back-slapping exchanges in the Oval Office, deferring to the Russian media agency for release of photos which, not surprisingly appeared on the front page of the New York Times, insulting America in the midst of the most intensive investigation of Russian meddling in the election of 2016.

There continue to be two groups whose fossilized attitudes in support of the president, the Republicans in Congress and the people who voted for his election and whether these two are joined at the hip is an open question. Yet, with the current public opinion polls putting the president’s popularity at 36-37%, how long will it take for the elected representatives to awaken to the political reality staring them in the face that they will be unlikely to be re-elected on trump’s base vote. So far, complicity and even support for trump seems to be evidence that individually and collectively, these men and women are all in desperate need of a political spine, through whatever intellectual and ethical and political gestalt that might be injected into their consciousness.

For the elected Republicans to stone-wall an independent prosecutor and/or commission to pursue the facts about Russian influence and trump collusion demonstrates either that they believe this storm will pass leaving them unscathed, or that they are sleep-walking into political oblivion. The trouble with both scenarios is that the republic’s constitutional foundations are quivering and the tsunami of more than circumstantial evidence against the president is sending signals that neither can nor will be denied, evaded, or thwarted with lies.

This not so much a question of which side of history they want to be on; rather it is a question of which side of the truth they come down on. And by continuing their current myopia (read denial, hubris, spineless paranoia, or stupidity) they extend all reasonable confidence in their ability to take  their responsibilities seriously.

Oh, but maybe it is their “right” to be intransigent and bull-headed!  

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A non-clinical assessment of the occupant of the Oval Office

Political reporting this morning on the  “Tuesday Night Massacre” (the trump firing of FBI Director James Comey) focuses on the investigation of any potential collusion between the trump gang and the Russians during the presidential campaign, and potentially even after the election. It is an obvious question as to why trump would fire the person in charge of that investigation who could potentially bring trump down. The analogy to the firing of Archibald Cox by Nixon, to avoid his own political demise, back in 1973, then known as the “Saturday night massacre” is also obvious and warranted.

Nixon is portrayed as a dark character, one who considered the press his avowed enemy, in a manner that seemed out of touch with the “fourth estate’s job to be a check on those in government. Paranoia is a trait also associated with Nixon, prompting the adjective “Nixonian” in application to the Comey firing even by some Republicans.

Even as a paranoid, Nixon was elected, demonstrating that the democratic process is either unable or unwilling to distinguish some of the finer nuances of personality, preferring to resort to the legal process, dependent on evidence proven in court, to determine a person’s “fitness for office”. The nation, while partially conscious that no political aspirant is free of self-centred motives, wants to believe that all candidates have at least a small portion of patriotism and desire to ‘make the country better’ and, in many cases their belief and hope have been sustained by exemplary leaders. Among them are names like Lincoln, Roosevelt (x2), Johnson, Kennedy, Wilson, Eisenhower, and more recently Obama. Whether they had personal foibles, blind spots, or character flaws for many decades was never a large public issue, since they could be largely kept from public view and knowledge.  For many decades too, the media conspired with the White House to preserve the privacy (sanity, secrecy, sanctity) of the occupant of the Oval Office, given both the importance of the role and the need for the nation to function honourably on the world stage.  A president’s flaw(s) did not need to become part of the equation if and when the country was facing a crisis beyond its borders.
In the last two of three decades, political lives have come under a microscope of scrutiny under which it is highly unlikely anyone could survive, given our shared range of frailties, and the media’s unrelenting pursuit of “dirt” as the pavement on the highway to their individual career advancement. And this motive sits squarely on their executive suites’ demand for ratings and the concomitant cash flow, investment dollars umbilically linked to their blatant obsequiousness to those investors.

Whatever the current Oval Office occupant attempts to portray in his tidal wave of tweets, there is a different reality, both within the government and in the public. And, in this case, it does not require either a ‘Philadelphia lawyer’ nor a “Harvard psychiatrist”  to notice and to document the deviance in the attitudes and behaviour of the man from what are considered normal attitudes, behaviours and principles.
This man, should he be a student in a classroom, while he might be achieving A+ grades, would still be under considerable scrutiny and suspicion by those professionals who share responsibility for his “education” and development.

His attitude and behaviour would long ago have passed from the Guidance Counsellor to the Vice-principal, and attracted a referral to the school psychologist. After only a few sessions in that office, the professional’s arms have been thrown up, in despair wondering where to turn next. Always colouring just inside the lines of breaking the law, yet also always threatening to destroy whomever and whatever dares to block his path, this individual comes very close to incarnating the DSM-5 Definition of a sociopath.

The DSM-5 defines antisocial personality disorder as "[a] pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
1.    Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors, as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest.
2.    Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.
3.    Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.
4.    Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.
5.    Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.
6.    Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations.
7.    Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another."
It's important to note that sociopathic children do not exist as a person cannot be diagnosed as a sociopath until age 18. While the patterns of behavior and personality traits exist prior to adulthood, until then, a child may be diagnosed with conduct disorder, but he can't be defined as a sociopath.

While the legal process, including the several congressional and FBI and National Security investigations plod along, and the media pours gallons of ink and hours of airtime into their obsessive coverage of this personality, and the public is more than suitably entertained by the spectacle of this melodrama, there are some facts and trends and boundaries that might fail to fall under the lens of any of these investigators. And those boundaries include whether a man of this character is in fact suited for, fit for, or permitted to hold the highest office in the world. Of course, a mere blogger writing from a distance would not have, and should not have, any real impact on the outcome of the many mini-dramas that are swirling around the White House. Better brains, and more highly trained professionals in all fields need to be brought to bear on what is now and has been since the election back in November of 2016 a world problem. No one, in any country, ought to be able to announce proudly, “I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, and I would not lose any supporters!” And such a statement really ought to disqualify the speaker from any public office, let alone the highest office in the world.

Putin and Kim Jong Un, not to mention Duterte and several of the political leaders in African states may also be world problems, but they are not holding office in the United States. And for the sake of the reputation of the nation, and the very high stakes faced by the people on the planet, especially Republican elected officials who previously, and lamely and co-dependently hitched their political wagon to the trump star, will have to relinquish that fantasy, let themselves down to earth and into the muck that is currently threatening to engulf all of them, the nation and potentially the world community.

Laws, however, have not kept pace with the evolving science of psychology, psychiatry and the rising level of education among ordinary drones like your scribe. One would speculate that the capacity to put one’s name on buildings in many countries would indicate a degree of trustworthiness, integrity and the potential for leadership that could be trusted.

Such speculation, as is the case with most speculation, simply does not hold water nor anything else like hope, potential or dependability.

This man appears incapable of remorse, for the workers he has never paid, for the laws he has skated around, for the taxes he has never paid, for the traditions, expectations and disclosure ordinary people expect from their president. He certainly has demonstrated total disdain for the emoluments clause and for the expectation that the presidency is not to be a vehicle for self-enrichment. Everyday, another slosh of cash flows through the front and back doors of ‘his’ properties, at least a sizeable portion of that ‘flow’ dedicated to attempts to win favour from this man.

And there are still those among his original supporters who tell pollsters they would vote for him again, in spite of his wanton disregard for the moral and ethical principles on which democracy depends.

Can he be usurped? Can he be deposed? Can he be thwarted? Can he be removed?

The clock is ticking and the world is watching and waiting.